Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: informant
IPA transcription: [,ɪnf'ɔɹmənt]
Pronunciations of informant
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: informant, source
    Meaning: a person who supplies information
Usage examples
  • Our informant remarks that to a psychoanalyst it needs no interpretation.
  • When my informant left, he tells me, Comrade B. had got a half-Nelson on you, and was biting pieces out of your ear.
  • Some persons were standing about looking at the fight, when my informant's house-dog suddenly darted out, snatched up the bantam in his mouth, and carried it into the house.
  • Without having interpreted it, she considers her dream abominable, would have been still more outraged if our informant had told her anything about the indubitable meaning; and it is just on account of this condemnation that the shocking spots in her dream were replaced by a murmur.
  • "The hare," says my informant, "fought with great vigour, and often floored her antagonist; but Pirnie sent in her claws and teeth, till blood flew like rain, and fur like drift (driven snow); and the hare soon becoming exhausted, Pirnie seized it by the throat, and its plaintive screams were presently hushed in death."
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Ronald Reagan, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Mumia Abu-Jamal, License CC BY-SA 4.0