Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: instigator
IPA transcription: ['ɪnstəɡ,eɪtɚ]
Pronunciations of instigator
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: instigator, initiator
    Meaning: a person who initiates a course of action
  • Synonyms: instigator, provoker, inciter, instigant, firebrand
    Meaning: someone who deliberately foments trouble; "she was the instigator of their quarrel"
Usage examples
  • Unprepared for this sudden attack he admitted his guilt, but pointed to the wife of Xuthus as the instigator of the crime.
  • It was Saturday afternoon, and they were playing their favourite war game, Teddy, of course, being prime instigator of the whole affair.
  • At other times the unsettled condition persists, and his spleen is vented not only on the original instigator but upon others who may have occasion to see him, sometimes hours afterward.
  • "A reply," slowly answered Torres, "that will keep me from finding out the chief of the police at Manaos, and saying to him, 'A man is there whose identity can easily be established, who can be recognized even after twenty-five years' absence, and this man was the instigator of the diamond robbery at Tijuco.
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