For that matter, Pollyanna talked to everybody about Jamie.
In talking of Jamie, Pollyanna lost her worried, baffled look. Pollyanna loved to talk of Jamie.
It was mortifying to find myself there instead of under John Adam's hayloft, the rescuer of Jamie Duff.
But, tell me," he added, after a minute, "who is this Jamie you've been talking so much about since you came?"
"He didn't. 'Twasn't about that Jamie. 'Twas about me." The boy still spoke sullenly, with his eyes turned away.
Pollyanna had, for the moment, forgotten all about the original subject of the controversy--the name "Jamie" that was dubbed "sissy."
To go home having done nothing for Jamie, and therefore nothing for Elsie, after all my grand ideas of rescue and restoration, was too mortifying.
"Oh, but some of them do," maintained Pollyanna, in eager defense. "Now there's Sadie Dean--she sells bows, lovely bows in a big store--she WANTS to know people; and I introduced her to Mrs. Carew, and we had her up to the house, and we had Jamie and lots of others there, too; and she was SO glad to know them!