Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: jeered
IPA transcription: [dʒ'ɪɹd]
Usage examples
  • She jeered feebly.
  • "You mean you can't!" jeered Happy Jack.
  • "Tenderfoot, eh?" jeered Big-foot Sanders.
  • "Like a rat in a trap!" he jeered at himself.
  • "It's a lady's voice, a fine lady's," Mr. Higginbotham, who had called him, jeered.
  • Then everybody laughed and jeered at her; and she was so abashed, that she wished herself a thousand feet deep in the earth.
  • The ten coats of mail lay at her feet, she was working hard at the eleventh, while the mob jeered her and said, "See the witch, how she mutters!
  • Juliette, as she marched through the streets between two men of the National Guard, and followed by Merlin, was hooted and jeered at, insulted, pelted with mud.
  • At sunset, the garrison of Fort Slatter was still unconquered, and the South-Enders, in a solid phalanx, marched off whistling "Yankee Doodle," while we cheered and jeered them until they were out of hearing.
  • Then the emperor commanded two copper dogs to be made that would run after the horse, and when the thieves, hanging from the walls, mocked and jeered at Virgilius and the emperor, the dogs leaped high after them and pulled them to the ground, and bit them to death.