Another day as Avenant journeyed he noticed a raven who was pursued by an eagle.
Hence they journeyed to Jackson's Hole, which is a fork of the Great Columbia River.
The little white hen journeyed on and on, and finally she arrived at the royal palace.
As we journeyed on down the Platte, we passed thrifty ranches and thriving little towns.
I heard that all the people who journeyed towards C. Royds yesterday reached their destination in safety.
This path was excessively sinuous, and as the sun could not be seen, I soon lost all idea of the direction in which I journeyed.
I gathered together certain certificates of goods and chattels, pointed my heel towards him and his cabbages, and journeyed townward.
So they journeyed on to Baptista's house, and arriving there, they found all folks keeping Bianca's wedding feast, and that of another newly married couple, Hortensio and his wife.