Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: keyhole
IPA transcription: [k'ih,oʊl]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: keyhole
    Meaning: the hole where a key is inserted
Usage examples
  • "You low ole caitiff!" said William through the keyhole.
  • A base and cowardly knight of the court, named Andret, spied them through a keyhole.
  • Bessie looked through the keyhole after a long pause, and saw the two walking up and down as usual, Torpenhow's hand on Dick's shoulder.
  • They descended the stair, Toad shouting abuse at them through the keyhole; and the three friends then met in conference on the situation.
  • Then he stole up to the castle, like a thief, to see if he couldn't lay hands on his belt; and when he got to the door, he peeped through the keyhole, and there he saw his belt hanging up over a door in the kitchen.