Meaning: in a laborious manner; "their lives were spent in committee making decisions for others to execute on the basis of data laboriously gathered for them"
Usage examples
Laboriously, he did as he was told to do.
He measured these round his waist, and then began to stitch them together, slowly and laboriously.
They were not long able, however, to enjoy the repose of the eminence they had so laboriously gained.
Who does not perceive how laughable it is to see a lady who is clothed in satin lace, or velvet, laboriously travelling in the dust or mud.
Cardlestone's face was in the shadow; Myerst had his back to the window; old Elphick bending over the table was laboriously writing with shaking fingers.
And the shade of meaning, the limited qualification, that a Frenchman or Englishman can attain with a mere twist of the sentence, the German must either abandon or laboriously overstate with some colossal wormcast of parenthesis....
The chirography was precisely that of the letter. While slowly convalescing, Arthur had prepared for this expected interview with Horace, by spending many a solitary hour in laboriously teaching himself to imitate Jackson's ordinary hand, in which most of the letters he had received from him were written.