Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: lapses
IPA transcription: [l'æpsɪz]
Usage examples
  • Offer your aid, as a faithful friend, to watch their lapses, and refine their sense of truth.
  • In marked contrast to her model, who invariably exhibits the frailties and lapses of woman, Hroswitha's plays turn on the resistance of her sex to temptation, and on their steadfast adherence to duty and to vows voluntarily assumed.
  • It was difficult for anyone, let alone a stranger like Emma, to get her to talk of the days that had been; her shrill, quavering speech was of doors that had been left unfastened, pails that had got mislaid, calves whose feeding-time was overdue, and the various little faults and lapses that chequer a farmhouse routine.