Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: lathe
IPA transcription: [l'eɪð]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: lathe
    Meaning: machine tool for shaping metal or wood; the workpiece turns about a horizontal axis against a fixed tool
Usage examples
  • The bench was fitted with a lathe, and on it were parts of watches, like the dead specimens preserved in alcohol in a doctor's office.
  • If it does not come out clean, or if soap is not used, it may be brightened by again inserting in the lathe and bringing it in contact with a piece of fine emery paper or cloth.
  • I have no hesitation in saying that at this particular point the split chuck should be removed from the lathe head and carefully placed in the chuck box and the cement chuck put in its place.
  • I have seen staffs that were models as regards execution and finish, that were nearly worthless from a practical standpoint, simply because the maker had devoted all his time and energy to the execution of a beautiful piece of lathe work, and had given no thought or study to the form and size of the pivots.