Very few neglect this precaution; each, in her own manner, conceals the eggs she lays.
He lays claim to extraordinary spiritual gifts, and uses the language of the highest idealism known.
Why dost leave the war?' And downward ceased he not to fall amain As far as Minos, who lays hold on all.
He catches a snake, puts it alive into the pool, and after holding it under water for a time takes it out, kills it, and lays it down by the side of the creek.
"When an Indian chief comes among his white fathers," returned Duncan, with great steadiness, "he lays aside his buffalo robe, to carry the shirt that is offered him.
The sluggard is despoiled while he sleeps--yes, by George! if a man lays down they'll eat him before he wakes!--but the live man can build straight up till he touches the sky!
And we cease to wonder so much at the care God takes of human character, and the cost He lays out upon it, when we think that it is the only work of His hands that shall last for ever.
Bunyan will people the house for us once it is built, but Butler lays bare for us the naked rock on which men like Bunyan build and beautify and people the dwelling-place of God and man.
But he frequently succeeds in satisfying these doubts, and then he begins to believe afresh: he no longer lays hold on a truth in its most shadowy and uncertain form, but he sees it clearly before him, and he advances onwards by the light it gives him.