Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: leath
IPA transcription: [l'iθ]
Usage examples
  • "And is THAT what you've told Mrs. Leath?"
  • THEN you might think it your duty to tell Mrs. Leath."
  • Presently he was struck by the fact that Owen Leath and the girl were silent also; and this gave a new turn to his thoughts.
  • Perhaps no one less familiar with her face than Darrow would have discerned the tension of the smile she transferred from himself to Owen Leath, or have remarked that her eyes had hardened from misty grey to a shining darkness.
  • But this, again, was negatived by the fact that, during the afternoon's shooting, young Leath had been in a mood of almost extravagant expansiveness, and that, from the moment of his late return to the house till just before dinner, there had been, to Darrow's certain knowledge, no possibility of a private talk between himself and his step-mother.