Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: libertine
IPA transcription: [l'ɪbɚt,in]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: debauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, libertine, profligate, riotous, fast
    Meaning: unrestrained by convention or morality; "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"; "deplorably dissipated and degraded"; "riotous living"; "fast women"
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: libertine, debauchee, rounder
    Meaning: a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained
Usage examples
  • When I have read the paper, I return it to her, saying that I knew the writer quite well, that he was connected with the chancellor's office, known as a great libertine, and deeply in debt, but that he would be rich after his mother's death.