Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: licence
IPA transcription: [l'aɪsəns]
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: license, licence, certify
    Meaning: authorize officially; "I am licensed to practice law in this state"
Usage examples
  • However, I'll get you a licence from Aunt Maple in a minute.'
  • There are very many persons who, when they hear of this liberty of faith, straightway turn it into an occasion of licence.
  • Without waiting instructions from England and with poignant memory of Oregon, Governor Douglas at once clapped on a licence of twenty-one shillings a month for mining privileges under the British crown.
  • They immediately began openly to give themselves up to idolatry, which, during their father's lifetime, they had seemed somewhat to abandon, and they granted free licence to their subjects to serve idols.
  • He would have been under no temptation to deviate in any degree from truth, which he held very sacred, or to take a licence, which a learned divine told me he once seemed, in a conversation, jocularly to allow to historians.
  • It is very likely that if Miss Smith had come with a licence to marry Jones, the parson in question, not seeing old Smith present, would have sent off the beadle in a cab to let the old gentleman know what was going on; and would have delayed the service until the arrival of Smith senior.