Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: lincolns
IPA transcription: [l'ɪŋkənz]
Usage examples
  • The Lincolns were of good old English stock.
  • The Hankses was some smarter'n the Lincolns.
  • The Boones and the Lincolns had intermarried for generations.
  • But, in the Summer of 1784, the tragic day dawned upon the Lincolns which has come to many a pioneer family in Kentucky and elsewhere.
  • They moved into the latter before it was half completed; for by this time the Sparrows had followed the Lincolns from Kentucky, and the half-faced camp was given up to them.
  • Dennis Hanks, a cousin of Nancy, lived near the Lincolns in the early days of their married life, and gave Mrs. Eleanor Atkinson this description of their early life together:
  • His daughter Sarah or Nancy, for she was called by both names, who married Aaron Grigsby a few years before, had died in childbirth. The emigrating family consisted of the Lincolns, John Johnston, Mrs. Lincoln's son, and her daughters, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Hanks, with their husbands.