Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: lingered
IPA transcription: [l'ɪŋɡɚd]
Usage examples
  • That face lingered.
  • And still I lingered.
  • I have often lingered in fancy
  • She lingered a few leisurely seconds
  • He lingered a bit; but in less than an hour he was a dead man.
  • The plum-blossoms lingered yet for a night as the air had grown chill.
  • We lingered awhile sadly upon our oars, with our eyes riveted upon the spot.
  • The two gentlemen lingered at the turnstile for a moment or so to watch his proceedings.
  • In many cases those who apparently recovered lingered for years with health seriously impaired.
  • After the young people were gone he lingered, wiping his eyes, and saying, "Bless my soul!" thoughtfully.