Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: loathed
IPA transcription: [l'oʊðd]
Usage examples
  • He loathed wealth more passionately than ever; but he believed less in the working man, less in his kind.
  • Durham, for the sake of keeping up the deception, had to shake hands, although he loathed himself for doing so.
  • For the advent of the man who a few weeks before she had loathed for his brutal abduction of herself she now prayed with the desperation of despair.
  • He had exchanged it for the life of the hearth, of the family; that private life--private, and yet so entirely impersonal-which he had hitherto loathed.
  • But if he had been asked why, he could not have given any exact reason, except perhaps that he loathed the valet as one who had insulted him more gravely than any one in the world.
  • If he could have understood how she loathed the sight of his narrow eyes, with their puffy lids, his thick, tobacco-stained lips, his doubtful teeth, and his unwieldy person, Wain, a monument of conceit that he was, might have shrunk, even in his own estimation, to something like his real proportions.