Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: localities
IPA transcription: [loʊk'ælɪtiz]
Usage examples
  • Various, too, were the obstacles which the national growth encountered in various localities.
  • The magnitude of the industry and its presence in different localities strengthens its influence with the railroads.
  • Railroad tracks in some localities were badly injured, sinking or lifting, and being put out of service until repaired.
  • Since, however, the repeal had shaken but not obliterated old party lines, this effort succeeded only in favorable localities.
  • Trading schooners and barques used in these localities are often fitted with petroleum oil engines, which enable them to continue their voyages during calm or adverse weather.
  • Frequently a crash of stone and brick, followed by a cloud of dust, gave warning to pedestrians that destruction was going on in the forefront of the flames, and that travel in such localities was unsafe.
  • By regulating and equalizing the output in the different localities, it can run more nearly full time. Being acquainted with the entire situation, it can reduce the friction. A strong combination has advantages in shipment.
  • He holds that life has been intermittently distributed southward along these continental masses when there were no breaks in their southward connection, and intermittently exchanged between them when they were connected in the north; and he also upholds the view that from a common ancestral form the same species has been often developed in entirely disconnected localities when in these localities the conditions of environment were the same.