Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: lounging
IPA transcription: [l'aʊndʒɪŋ]
Usage examples
  • The other was a tall, awkward country lad, with a lounging gait, and apparently somewhat of a rustic beau.
  • Farther down the street was quaint Irene lounging at the door of her new studio (a converted coach-house), smoking a cigarette and dressed like a jockey.
  • Many of them had stacked their muskets and were lounging about, some playing cards, others cooking supper, intermingled with the pack-mules and beef cattle.
  • In the dark, gloomy corridor, stripped of its tapestries, a few old attendants were lounging about, and in front of Kerensky's door a young officer paced up and down, gnawing his moustache.
  • By far the greater number stood leaning, in lazy, lounging attitudes, against the upright posts that supported the crazy building, while three or four of the oldest and most distinguished of the chiefs placed themselves on the earth a little more in advance.