Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: mausoleum
IPA transcription: [m,ɔsəl'iəm]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: mausoleum
    Meaning: a large burial chamber, usually above ground
Usage examples
  • The rare richness and lavish beauty of the Wellington mausoleum are only surpassed by a certain tomb in France.
  • But if you have half forgotten Mariposa, and long since lost the way to it, you are only like the greater part of the men here in this Mausoleum Club in the city.
  • The ashes of the genie were thrown into the air, but those of the princess were collected into a precious urn, to be preserved, and the urn was deposited in a superb mausoleum, constructed for that purpose on the spot where the princess had been consumed.