Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: mercantile
IPA transcription: [m'ɝkənt,aɪl]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: mercantile
    Meaning: relating to or characteristic of trade or traders; "the mercantile North was forging ahead"- Van Wyck Brooks
  • Synonyms: mercantile, mercenary, moneymaking(a)
    Meaning: profit oriented; "a commercial book"; "preached a mercantile and militant patriotism"- John Buchan; "a mercenary enterprise"; "a moneymaking business"
  • Synonyms: mercantile
    Meaning: of or relating to the economic system of mercantilism; "mercantile theories"; "mercantile system"
Usage examples
  • The Scottish mercantile men, whom he was under the necessity of employing as a sort of middle-men on these occasions, were also suspected by my father of having secured, by one means or other, more than their own share of the profit which ought to have accrued.
  • He implored his son never to return to Costaguana, never to claim any part of his inheritance there, because it was tainted by the infamous Concession; never to touch it, never to approach it, to forget that America existed, and pursue a mercantile career in Europe.
  • His fears were based upon the fact that I had published in the Rivermouth Barnacle some verses addressed in a familiar manner "To the Moon." Now, the idea of a boy, with his living to get, placing himself in communication with the Moon, struck the mercantile mind as monstrous.