Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: meridian
IPA transcription: [mɚ'ɪdiən]
Pronunciations of meridian
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: prime, meridian
    Meaning: being at the best stage of development; "our manhood's prime vigor"- Robert Browning
  • Synonyms: meridian
    Meaning: of or happening at noon; "meridian hour"
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: meridian, line_of_longitude
    Meaning: an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator; "all points on the same meridian have the same longitude"
  • Synonyms: Meridian
    Meaning: a town in eastern Mississippi
  • Synonyms: acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop, top
    Meaning: the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"
Usage examples
  • The wind, however, was dropping fast; and by the time that the sun was on the meridian we were not going more than five knots.
  • "What's the good of Mercator's North Poles and Equators, Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?" So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply "They are merely conventional signs!
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Titan (moon), License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Shen Kuo, License CC BY-SA 4.0