This prince was a firm believer in the transmutation of metals.
Fire in the hands of savage man gave him dominion over the forests and over the metals.
Their accumulations of the precious metals exceeded anything previously known in the history of the world.
He neglected this good advice, and continued his studies; burning minerals and purifying metals one day, and mystifying the Word of God on the next.
The active metals of the electrodes--which will oxidize and reduce in this electrolyte without dissolution or chemical deterioration--are nickel and iron.
We are now among the primitive rocks, upon which the chemical operations took place which are produced by the contact of elementary bases of metals with water.
Natural supplies of metals, of coal, and of timber are important consumption goods, but they are also indirectly the condition for a vast variety of other goods.
Various analogies next pointed to the use of heat, and the thermoelectric cell emerged, embodying the application of flame to the junction of two different metals.
The deserted mines of New Mexico show incontrovertible signs of having been successfully and extensively worked, at some remote period, for various kinds of metals.