Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples
IPA transcription: [m'aɪnz]
Usage examples
Mines had acquired for him a dramatic interest.
He settled down to work for the rest of his life in other men's mines.
They were Mr. Robinson, proprietor of Newark Mines, and his superintendent.
Afterwards many who failed in the mines drifted back to the plains and became farmers.
Here they purchased licenses to trade with the Indians who live about the copper mines.
Swirling, jumping, running, leaping, gamboling, crying--the new humanity surged to man's cities, his rockets, his mines.
The company then renewed their trapping, and continued it up the Gila to a point opposite the copper mines of New Mexico.
He was the second of the three Wilder brothers, who had been among the early gold-seekers, and tried roughing it in the mines.
"No," said the other, "I am not looking for mines of lead or zinc; there is greater wealth in these hills and forests, young man."