Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: mines
IPA transcription: [m'aɪnz]
Usage examples
  • Mines had acquired for him a dramatic interest.
  • He settled down to work for the rest of his life in other men's mines.
  • They were Mr. Robinson, proprietor of Newark Mines, and his superintendent.
  • Afterwards many who failed in the mines drifted back to the plains and became farmers.
  • Here they purchased licenses to trade with the Indians who live about the copper mines.
  • Swirling, jumping, running, leaping, gamboling, crying--the new humanity surged to man's cities, his rockets, his mines.
  • The company then renewed their trapping, and continued it up the Gila to a point opposite the copper mines of New Mexico.
  • He was the second of the three Wilder brothers, who had been among the early gold-seekers, and tried roughing it in the mines.
  • "No," said the other, "I am not looking for mines of lead or zinc; there is greater wealth in these hills and forests, young man."