Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: mistaking
IPA transcription: [mɪst'eɪkɪŋ]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: misinterpretation, misunderstanding, mistaking
    Meaning: putting the wrong interpretation on; "his misinterpretation of the question caused his error"; "there was no mistaking her meaning"
Usage examples
  • There was no mistaking it.
  • There was no mistaking him.
  • There was no mistaking their look.
  • 'This is unkind, mother,' said Harry. 'Do you still suppose that I am a boy ignorant of my own mind, and mistaking the impulses of my own soul?'
  • Few men can think long without running into a confusion of ideas, and mistaking one for another; and there are various degrees of this infirmity.
  • There could be no mistaking it--it was that of Aunt Joanna, clothed in the tattered sheet that Elizabeth Hockin had allowed for her grave-clothes.
  • As I hear from Mr. Doubleday, the common white butterfly often flies down to a bit of paper on the ground, no doubt mistaking it for one of its own species.
  • The black ram, either from most uncivil impatience, or mistaking the movement of the proprietor's coat-tail for a challenge, pitched into him incontinently.
  • If there were demagogues here and there among them, seeking merely to create a balance of power for bargain and sale, they were unimportant in number, and only of local influence, and soon became deserters. There was no mistaking the earnestness of the body of this faction.
  • I have been clear and explicit in all I have said; there can be no fear of mistaking my meaning; therefore, all future explanation is unnecessary--nor will I permit a word, or a hint on the subject from any one, without shewing my resentment even to the hour of my death." He was going out of the room.