Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: misty
IPA transcription: [m'ɪsti]
Pronunciations of misty
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: brumous, foggy, hazy, misty
    Meaning: filled or abounding with fog or mist; "a brumous October morning"
Usage examples
  • His gaze, ever directed upwards, was lost in the grey and misty space beyond.
  • George awoke next morning with a misty sense that somehow the world had changed.
  • Thus troubled, the water sent up a misty cloud, from which rain soon fell upon the land.
  • I don't think she could interpret a single image, but she has a hazy, misty idea of the truth.
  • His great figure, looming unnaturally large through the misty twilight, was the last to vanish.
  • Vainamoinen, old and steadfast, Thundered on upon his journey, From the gloomy land of Pohja, Sariola for ever misty.
  • The time was midnight, the sky was misty, and the gale was from the south-east, when the watch reported a light ahead.
  • He sees visions of visits to Washington to consult the President upon matters of state, and perhaps he sees an ambassadorship in the misty future.
  • It swept upward from the valley floor, beautifully shaped and soaring, so tall that its misty blue peak could surely talk face to face with the stars.
  • Forests miles in extent are thus killed and left standing, with the branches on, but peeled and rigid, appearing gray in the distance like misty clouds.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Dirty Harry (1990 video game), License CC BY-SA 4.0