Meaning: a town in north central Louisiana
Meaning: a town of southeast Michigan on Lake Erie
Monroe, James_Monroe, President_Monroe
Meaning: 5th President of the United States; author of the Monroe Doctrine (1758-1831)
Monroe, Marilyn_Monroe, Norma_Jean_Baker
Meaning: United States film actress noted for sex appeal (1926-1962)
Usage examples
These were Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe.
In person, Monroe was tall and well-formed, with light complexion and blue eyes.
Madison thought the country had never fully appreciated the robust understanding of Monroe.
In early youthhood Monroe received a good education, but left school to join the army and soon after was commissioned a lieutenant.
He was about to tread streets that had been trod by the famous Jefferson, by Madison, Monroe, Randolph of Roanoke, and many others.
Monroe believed that the rejection of the treaty and the predilection expressed for his rival indicated hostility on the part of the retiring President, and a correspondence on the subject ensued.
The time was approaching for the election of a president, and a considerable body of the Republican party had brought Monroe forward as their candidate, but the preference of Jefferson for Madison was well known and of course had its influence.
When the British appeared soon afterward in the State, Monroe exerted himself to the utmost in organizing the militia of the lower counties; and when the enemy proceeded southward, Jefferson sent him as military commissioner to the army in South Carolina.
On his return to America he published a 'View of the conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States,' which widened the breach between him and the administration, but socially Monroe remained upon good terms with both Washington and Jay.