Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: motioned
IPA transcription: [m'oʊʃənd]
Usage examples
  • He motioned Murphy ahead.
  • Mr. Galloway came in, and motioned him into his own room.
  • His words were courteous as Doc motioned toward the tray of breakfast.
  • I'll keep these for the present, if you don't mind." He motioned towards the revolvers.
  • He motioned towards the room where Graham must wait, he insisted no other course was possible.
  • I'm sorry, but it wouldn't do--here," and the doctor motioned to the glittering array of cut glass and plate.
  • Moving to one end of the spindle-legged sofa, she made place at her side for Maxineff, and motioned Noakes to a chair near them.
  • Chauvelin, who had all the Frenchman's prejudice against the despised race, motioned to the fellow to keep at a respectful distance.
  • He unlocked the door with a key he carried, turned on the lights, which were run by a storage battery, and motioned Mr. Jenks to a seat.
  • Quietly he opened it, then with calm gallantry he motioned to his companion to go first, holding it for him as he passed in, and keeping watch with eye and ear the while.