Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: mounds
IPA transcription: [m'aʊndz]
Usage examples
  • He saw the field rising into mounds.
  • We were soon in the open country, if one may give that name to a vast extent of mounds of volcanic products.
  • But to his wide and wandering eyes it seemed that a radiance other than hers haunted these mounds and leaning stones.
  • The Secretary's eyes glanced with so much meaning in them at the Mounds, that Mr Boffin said, as if in answer to a remark:
  • Sea-shells from the Gulf, pearls from the Atlantic, and obsidian from Mexico, have also been found side by side in their mounds.
  • I can price the Mounds to a fraction, and I know how they can be best disposed of; and likewise that they take no harm by standing where they do.
  • Every Sabbath, and often during the week, her feet carried her to the cemetery, where she sat in the deep grass and looked at those three long mounds and tried to understand life; deeper still, to fathom death.
  • At Izamal, in Yucatan, says Mr Stansbury Hagar, is a group of ruins perched, after the Mexican and Central-American plan, on the summits of pyramidal mounds which mark the site of an ancient theogonic center of the Mayas.
  • The tops of old trees are almost always dead, and large stubborn-looking limbs push out horizontally, most of them broken and dead at the end, but densely covered, and imbedded here and there with tufts or mounds of gray-green scalelike foliage.
  • The countless dismal windows, vacant and forlorn, stared, sightless, from their marble walls; the whole sad city taking on the semblance of scattered mounds of dead men's sun-bleached skulls--the casements having the appearance of eyeless sockets, the portals, grinning jaws.