generation, multiplication, propagation
Meaning: the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production
Usage examples
Bewildering multiplication of details
Louise Boswell occupied his mind and drifted among his multiplication tables all the afternoon.
Certainly the great multiplication of virtues upon human nature, resteth upon societies well ordained and disciplined.
Wherefore, as no rarefaction is apparent in such multiplication of matter, we must admit an addition of matter: either by creation, or which is more probable, by conversion.
Wherefore multiplication of matter is quite unintelligible, as long as the matter itself remains the same without anything added to it; unless it receives greater dimensions.
I am now prepared to answer an objection which doubtless has been present in the minds of many, all the time that they have been reading the various processes on which I rely for the multiplication of colonies.
Therefore it seems that the multiplication of intellectual substances can only be according to the requirements of the first bodies--that is, of the heavenly ones, so that in some way the shedding form of the aforesaid rays may be terminated in them; and hence the same conclusion is to be drawn as before.