Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: navies
IPA transcription: [n'eɪviz]
Usage examples
  • These were the most powerful navies.
  • The navies, then, of the Hellenes during the period we have traversed were what I have described.
  • It would become imbued with marvelous possibility, a thing for which royal military bureaus, imperial navies, would pay a great price.
  • The oarsmen took their time. I watched their strokes vigorously catch the water, and they always waited ten seconds before rowing again, following the practice used in most navies.
  • For after these there were no navies of any account in Hellas till the expedition of Xerxes; Aegina, Athens, and others may have possessed a few vessels, but they were principally fifty-oars.
  • He had no fleet; and it was therefore impossible for him even to attempt to possess himself of Castile, of Arragon, of Sicily, of the Indies, in opposition to the united navies of the three greatest maritime powers in the world.
  • When mankind rises above creeds, colors and countries, when we are citizens, not of a nation, but of the world, the armies and navies of the earth will constitute an international police force to preserve the peace and the dove will take the eagle's place.