Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: neighboring
IPA transcription: [n'eɪbɚɪŋ]
Pronunciations of neighboring
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: adjacent, conterminous, contiguous, neighboring(a)
    Meaning: having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching; "Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut"; "the side of Germany conterminous with France"; "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho"; "neighboring cities"
Usage examples
  • I determined to pass the night there, and, having taken an early dinner, strolled out to enjoy the neighboring scenery.
  • It revealed the neighboring fields, stretching toward the sierras, whose sinuous blue lines were relieved against the horizon.
  • Before many years the boys were old enough to work for the neighboring farmers, and that made the woman's family a good deal smaller.
  • He was hired by Mr. Gentry, the proprietor of the neighboring village of Gentryville, to accompany his son with a flat-boat of produce to New Orleans and intermediate landings.
  • Wait for me here, chevalier, wait for me here." The prince disappeared in the neighboring apartment and inquired of the gentleman in attendance if the queen-mother had returned from chapel.
  • He decided to call a meeting of the neighboring farmers at the district school-house on Saturday night, where Kenneth could address them with logical arguments and endeavor to win them over to his way of thinking.
  • Here they left the river and proceeded to the copper mines, where they found Mr. Robert McKnight engaged in trading with the neighboring Indian tribes. These mines were not then, and ever since have not been, worked.
  • There is a tradition which says that the neighboring tribes were accustomed to meet on the banks of the lake to make their treaties, and otherwise to strengthen their alliances, and which refers the name to this practice.
  • The rapid progress of the royalists threatened the parliament with immediate subjection: the factions and discontents among themselves in the city, and throughout the neighboring counties, prognosticated some dangerous division or insurrection.
  • Indeed, his behavior disappointed every expectation, and proved little in accordance with the views of many a manoeuvering mamma; while his habits and manner, still less than formerly, offered any thing congenial with those of the neighboring aristocracy.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Steven Avery, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Oort cloud, License CC BY-SA 4.0
3. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording History of New Jersey, License CC BY-SA 4.0
4. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Universe, License CC BY-SA 4.0
5. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording 1937 Fox vault fire, License CC BY-SA 4.0
6. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Effects of Hurricane Ivan in the Lesser Antilles and South America, License CC BY-SA 4.0