nestled, snuggled
Meaning: drawn or pressed close to someone or something for or as if for affection or protection; "saw a number of small houses nestled against the hillside"; "like a baby snuggled in its mother's arms"
Usage examples
She nestled closer to him and hid her face on his breast.
Then Yuki Chan nestled close, and gave little pats of love and tried to listen.
Then she nestled them against her warm breast, and turned adoring eyes toward the Cardinal.
My Robert--who set my egg to hatch--in the bosom of whose Norfolk raiment I have nestled so often and so pleasantly!
Prairie chickens nestled along the single-file trail. Deer bounded from the poplar thickets and shy coyotes barked all night in the offing.
She nestled down beneath it and her lips smiled very prettily, and she uttered a little purring murmur of content; but this she did in her sleep.
The Cardinal went to the top rail and feasted on the sweet grains of corn until his craw was full, and then nestled in the sumac and went to sleep.
Then, hoping to forget his woes in sleep, he nestled under the low-growing branches of the pine, and lay blinking drowsily at the twilight world outside.