Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: nodding
IPA transcription: [n'ɑdɪŋ]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: cernuous, drooping, nodding, pendulous, weeping
    Meaning: having branches or flower heads that bend downward; "nodding daffodils"; "the pendulous branches of a weeping willow"; "lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers"
Usage examples
  • And nodding a good-night he left them.
  • "Yes; I can see that," said the boy, nodding.
  • "So far, good," said Anne, nodding cautious approval.
  • "Of course," said the Shaggy Man, nodding his shaggy head.
  • “It don’t look like it,” he said, nodding towards the yard.
  • Yes," added she, nodding, "there will be a repetition of the crime.
  • "Quite poetical," commented the Scarecrow, nodding his head approvingly.
  • "There's some sense in that," said Scraps, nodding her queer head in approval.
  • There, there," she said, nodding persuasively at the cage, "you pretty creature you!
  • One minute only, swaying and nodding there, I stood: and then I dropped down flat in swoon.