Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: noun
IPA transcription: [n'aʊn]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: noun
    Meaning: a content word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or action
  • Synonyms: noun
    Meaning: the word class that can serve as the subject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition, or in apposition
Usage examples
  • Whatever its structure, a Noun must always be either (1) the ordinary word for the thing, or (2) a strange word, or (3) a metaphor, or (4) an ornamental word, or (5) a coined word, or (6) a word lengthened out, or (7) curtailed, or (8) altered in form.
  • It is impossible to do more than refer to the supposed Aryan roots contained in the glossary, but it may be noticed that the future of the Quichuan verb is formed in s--I love, Munani; I shall love, Munasa--and that the affixes denoting cases in the noun are curiously like the Greek prepositions."
  • The Diction viewed as a whole is made up of the following parts: the Letter (or ultimate element), the Syllable, the Conjunction, the Article, the Noun, the Verb, the Case, and the Speech. (1) The Letter is an indivisible sound of a particular kind, one that may become a factor in an intelligible sound.