Meaning: a native or inhabitant of Nubia; "Nubians now form an ethnic minority in Egypt"
Usage examples
Was not the Nubian "Island of Merou," with its pyramids built by "red men," a similar transplantation?
She walked slowly to the curtain and nodded to the Nubian to draw it aside, and slower still she passed into the other room.
The Nubian listened with white teeth flashing in a broad grin, and shook his head in response to some request urged with denunciatory fist.
The Nubian turned on her impatiently and thrust her roughly out of his way, and, coming to Diana, put out his hand as if to grasp her arm, but she stepped back with flashing eyes and a gesture that he obeyed.
And, in answer to her cries, a curtain at the side of the tent, that Diana had not noticed, slid aside and a gigantic Nubian came in. With outstretched hand shaking with rage, pointing at Diana, she burst into voluble abuse, punctuating every few words with the shrieks that had brought the negro.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Cat, License CC BY-SA 4.0