Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: oculist
IPA transcription: ['ɔkjul,ɪst]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: ophthalmologist, eye_doctor, oculist
    Meaning: a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye
  • Synonyms: optometrist, oculist
    Meaning: a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses
Usage examples
  • An oculist, by all means.'
  • So I went to an oculist, and he turned a gasogene--I mean a gas-engine--into my eye.
  • For some little time past Mr. Edison had noticed that he was bothered somewhat in reading print, and I asked him to have an oculist give him reading-glasses.
  • When the oculist finished, he turned to me and said: 'I have been many years in the business, but have never seen an optic nerve like that of this gentleman.
  • Even as he thought, a great fear came upon Dick, a fear that made him hold his breath as he walked into the oculist's waiting room, with the heavy carved furniture, the dark-green paper, and the sober-hued prints on the wall.