Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: opal
IPA transcription: ['oʊpəl]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: opal
    Meaning: a translucent mineral consisting of hydrated silica of variable color; some varieties are used as gemstones
Usage examples
  • The coloring consisted of dainty pinks, creamy whites and pale blues, all running together just as the coloring in an opal runs from one shade into another.
  • It was four or five miles wide, and was gemmed with green islets; and all round, appearing through the clouds in jagged outline, were the opal summits of the snowy peaks.
  • He was considerably past the Ulleran prime of life--seventy or eighty, to judge from the worn appearance of his opal teeth, the color of his skin, and the predominantly reddish tint of his quartz-speckles.