Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: orchard
IPA transcription: ['ɔɹtʃɚd]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: grove, woodlet, orchard, plantation
    Meaning: garden consisting of a small cultivated wood without undergrowth
Usage examples
  • He was out in the orchard on his knees.
  • "Then that wasn't you over in the orchard?" asked Tom, in some uneasiness.
  • Felicity ate two in her very presence, and then brought the rest out to us in the orchard.
  • Down the lane they went, between the rows of cherry-trees; across the orchard and up the path.
  • For chanticleer to wake it, -- Or stirring house below, Or giddy bird in orchard, Or early task to do?
  • Jimmy was lying on an old cot out in the orchard, getting some of the nice spring sunshine on his thin body.
  • "Because I have it hidden underneath the stone wall on the edge of the Old Orchard," replied Striped Chipmunk.
  • Once out of the house, she walked slowly along through the shady orchard, swinging her sunbonnet by the strings.
  • He saw the gleaming brook that wound its way through the tangle of orchard and garden, and parted the distant blue-grass meadow.