Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: osborne
IPA transcription: ['ɔzb,ɔɹn]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Osborne, John_Osborne, John_James_Osborne
    Meaning: English playwright (1929-1994)
Usage examples
  • Mr. Osborne now spoke.
  • George Osborne is a capital fellow."
  • "Why, Miss Osborne, what can you do with them?" asked Haines, in surprise.
  • Not Miss Binny, she was too old and ill-tempered; Miss Osborne? too old too.
  • "Do they talk the language of flowers at Boggley Wollah, Sedley?" asked Osborne, laughing.
  • I expressed a liking for Mr. Francis Osborne's works, and asked him what he thought of that writer.
  • "You would not have listened to me," she said to Mr. Osborne (though she knew she was telling a fib), "had you heard Rebecca first."
  • "Lieutenant, there was nothing in those letters of value to you from a military standpoint, was there?" suddenly asked Miss Osborne.
  • "I give Miss Sharp warning, though," said Osborne, "that, right or wrong, I consider Miss Amelia Sedley the first singer in the world."
  • "Do as you please," replied Mr. Osborne, coldly; "I have seen no such Confederate; but if I had, I should have concealed him if I could.