Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: outlay
IPA transcription: ['aʊtl,eɪ]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: spending, disbursement, disbursal, outlay
    Meaning: the act of spending or disbursing money
Usage examples
  • The maximum of health and vigor may be attained with moderate outlay, and beyond that point richer food doubtless does more harm than good.
  • The advertising of certain kinds of goods involves a large and inevitable outlay, which is relatively less for a larger business, as the greater the output the smaller the burden on each unit of the product.
  • "I made the canvass on my own horse; my entertainment, being at the houses of friends, cost me nothing; and my only outlay was seventy-five cents for a barrel of cider, which some farm-hands insisted I should treat them to." He was called down to Vandalia in the summer of 1837, by a special session of the Legislature.
  • The water ghost appeared at the specified time, and found the heir of Harrowby prepared; but hot as the room was, it shortened her visit by no more than five minutes in the hour, during which time the nervous system of the young master was well-nigh shattered, and the room itself was cracked and warped to an extent which required the outlay of a large sum of money to remedy.
  • This great and notable plant, representing a very large outlay of money, brought to completion, ready for business, and embracing some of the most brilliant and remarkable of Edison's inventions and methods, must be abandoned by force of circumstances over which he had no control, and with it must die the high hopes that his progressive, conquering march to success had legitimately engendered.