Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: outspoken
IPA transcription: ['aʊtsp'oʊkən]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: outspoken, vocal
    Meaning: given to expressing yourself freely or insistently; "outspoken in their opposition to segregation"; "a vocal assembly"
Usage examples
  • But thou kens I'm an outspoken Yorkshire tyke.
  • "But gently, I hope?--you are so very outspoken, love.
  • The conservative suffrage leaders, although they heartily disapproved of , picketing, were as outspoken in their gratitude.
  • Now if the boys did not find a great deal of work to do they were very outspoken in their admiration for all that had been accomplished by the girls.
  • Opportunities of getting to Hetty's side would be sure to turn up in the course of the day, and Adam contented himself with that for he disliked any risk of being "joked" about Hetty--the big, outspoken, fearless man was very shy and diffident as to his love-making.