Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: overpower
IPA transcription: [,oʊvɚp'aʊɚ]
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: overpower, overmaster, overwhelm
    Meaning: overcome by superior force
  • Synonyms: overwhelm, overpower, sweep_over, whelm, overcome, overtake
    Meaning: overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
Usage examples
  • Maybe we won't be seen. We'll overpower the guard inside, but don't shoot.
  • And yet her heart was not broken, and she was still strong in that resolve which she had made, that her grief should not overpower her.
  • It sometimes, indeed, happens, that some supervenient cause of discord may overpower this original amity; but it seems to me more frequently thrown away with levity, or lost by negligence, than destroyed by injury or violence.
  • Only let the mist, which veils from men's eyes the true meaning of certain acts of violence, pass away, and the Christian public opinion which is springing up would overpower the extinct public opinion which permitted and justified acts of violence.