Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: oysters
IPA transcription: ['ɔɪstɚz]
Usage examples
  • Scolloped Oysters.
  • Oysters feed in rather a strange way.
  • Oysters, at this time, are "out of season"--that is, unfit for food.
  • Reheat cold flaked turbot in a Bechamel Sauce, adding a few cooked oysters.
  • This bay, repeatedly dredged, furnished a huge supply of excellent oysters.
  • Stuff cleaned trout with chopped oysters or seasoned crumbs, and put into a buttered baking-dish.
  • Sometimes the Oysters are stifled in their "beds" by other Oysters settling and growing over them.
  • Oysters and their two-shelled cousins cannot do this, for the simple reason that they have no heads!
  • Pour over a Cream Sauce to which cooked oysters and a little lemon-juice and minced parsley have been added.
  • Near seven o'clock we finally surveyed the bank of shellfish, where pearl oysters reproduce by the millions.