Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: pantaloons
IPA transcription: [p'æntəl,unz]
Usage examples
  • Gentlemen may call in an outside coat, in boots and pantaloons, as when they are on their ordinary business.
  • Sandoval wore nothing but shirt and pantaloons; the dignity of the barefooted functionary was confined to his Spanish blood.
  • He hastened thither, and, though unprepossessing, from his thin voice, short pantaloons, lack of stockings, and worn hat, he was hired on trial.
  • While he hated Slavery, he took a favorable view of his master in some respects at least, as he said that he was a "moderate man in talk;" but "sly in action." His master provided him with two pairs of pantaloons in the summer, and one in the winter, also a winter jacket, no vest, no cap, or hat.
  • These were known by their coats and pantaloons of black or brown, made to sit comfortably, with white cravats and waistcoats, broad solid-looking shoes, and thick hose or gaiters.--They had all slightly bald heads, from which the right ears, long used to pen-holding, had an odd habit of standing off on end.