fable, parable, allegory, apologue
Meaning: a short moral story (often with animal characters)
Usage examples
"It is a parable.
That parable about fits my case.
We call the text a parable, but our Lord's parables are all portraits--portraits and groups of portraits, rather than ordinary parables.
There is not a single miracle, parable or moral teaching attributed to Jesus in the Gospels of which Paul seems to possess any knowledge whatever.
"No, sir, there is no comfort from that quarter either," said Marston, bitterly; "you but cast your seeds, as the parable terms your teaching, upon the barren sea, in wasting them on me.
I believe the legend of Jesus was made by many minds working under a great religious impulse--one man adding a parable, another an exhortation, another a miracle story;"--and George Eliot to write: "The materials for a real life of Christ do not exist."