Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: pavilion
IPA transcription: [pəv'ɪljən]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: pavilion, marquee
    Meaning: large and often sumptuous tent
Usage examples
  • 'Behold the Pavilion,' Kuprasso said proudly.
  • The three of us went back towards the pavilion.
  • "That's where the murderer came from to get into the pavilion."
  • WITHIN a day or two King Arthur was somewhat sick, and he let pitch his pavilion in a meadow, and there he laid him down on a pallet to sleep, but he might have no rest.
  • "That path is as you see, topped with gravel," he said; "the man must have passed along it going to the pavilion, since no traces of his steps have been found on the soft ground.
  • After this they went forth and took all the arms of the guards and Sahim said to them, "Go to your own camp;" while he re entered Ajib's pavilion and, wrapping him in his cloak, lifted him up and made for the Moslem encampment.
  • Stepan Arkadyevitch described what grouse moors this Malthus had bought in the Tver province, and how they were preserved, and of the carriages and dogcarts in which the shooting party had been driven, and the luncheon pavilion that had been rigged up at the marsh.
  • There will probably be a general impression that the man who landed (armed to the teeth and talking by signs) to plant the British flag on that barbaric temple which turned out to be the Pavilion at Brighton, felt rather a fool. I am not here concerned to deny that he looked a fool.