I see neither apples nor pears, nor any other fruit, nothing but salad and herbs.'
In the bright morning sunshine, as they ate of the strawberries and sweet juicy pears, Dorothy said:
The sister did as she was told, and next day Janni, taking his three dogs with him, went to get the pears.
See these lovely cabbages and these fresh herbs! Early apples, ladies; early pears and apricots, and all cheap.
So Janni plucked the pears and took them to his sister, who, when she had eaten them, declared she felt better.
There were melons, grapes, bananas, oranges, plums, strawberries, and pears and all were ripe and exquisitely flavored.
One day Jem and his mother sat as usual in the Market Place with plenty of nice herbs and vegetables spread out on the board, and in some smaller baskets early pears, apples, and apricots.
And outside before the palace a great garden was walled round, filled full of stately fruit trees, with olives and sweet figs, and pomegranates, pears, and apples, which bore the whole year round.
Here they found a spring of pure bubbling water, around which the grass was full of wild strawberry plants, their pretty red berries ripe and ready to eat. Some of the trees bore yellow oranges and some russet pears, so the hungry adventurers suddenly found themselves provided with plenty to eat and to drink.