Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: peculiarity
IPA transcription: [pɪkj,uli'ɛɹəti]
Pronunciations of peculiarity
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: peculiarity, distinctive_feature, distinguishing_characteristic
    Meaning: an odd or unusual characteristic
  • Synonyms: peculiarity, specialness, specialty, speciality, distinctiveness
    Meaning: a distinguishing trait
Usage examples
  • This last peculiarity caused some embarrassment.
  • Indeed, under the circumstances, it is no peculiarity.
  • Mr. Young had also noted this peculiarity in "the Royal cat of Siam."
  • This peculiarity I perceive very strongly in Charlotte's writings at this time.
  • Its deplorable peculiarity was, that it was the faintness of solitude and disuse.
  • But this one displays a peculiarity confined to all fishes that inhabit subterranean waters.
  • This peculiarity consists in the capacity of representative scenes expressing the play of emotion.
  • It was the peculiarity of Florence Mountjoy that she did not expect other people to be as good as herself.
  • This peculiarity of character grew with my growth, and in my manhood I derived from it one of my principal sources of pleasure.
  • He offered his hand to the baroness, who, descending, took it with a peculiarity of manner imperceptible to every one but Monte Cristo.
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