Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: pilate
IPA transcription: [p'aɪl,ʌt]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Pilate, Pontius_Pilate
    Meaning: the Roman procurator of Judea who ordered that Jesus be crucified (died in AD 36)
Usage examples
  • Neither Pilate nor they ask the one true question, 'How am I to be a true man?
  • To understand his answer to Pilate, see wherein consists his kingship; what it is that makes him a king; what manifestation of his essential being gives him a claim to be king.
  • The whole scheme of the Atonement, as planned by God, is based upon a crime--a crime infinitely atrocious, the crime of murder and deicide, is essential to its success: if Judas had not betrayed, if the Jews had not insisted, if Pilate had not surrendered, if all these turpitudes had not been secured, the Atonement could not have been consummated.
  • Why did their risen Lord only slink about among his own disciples, appearing to these but at flying instants: why did he not, with his well-known features and with the wounds of the nails and the spear in his body, confront the chief priests and Pilate and the whole of Jerusalem, and compel them to acknowledge and bear enduring witness to his resurrection?