Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: pilgrimages
IPA transcription: [p'ɪlɡɹəmɪdʒɪz]
Usage examples
  • On one of these pilgrimages he met with a hunch-backed old woman of great intelligence, who read everything she could lay her hands on, and she told him more yet of the romantic charms of the city of light and lore.
  • Wherever they went they made pilgrimages to holy places--places sanctified by memories of early saints--and whenever they found it practicable they were sure to make their way to Rome, to visit the shrines of the apostles, and obtain the blessing of the Pope.
  • He published, in the king's name, without the consent either of parliament or convocation, an ordinance by which he retrenched many of the ancient holy days; prohibited several superstitions gainful to the clergy, such as pilgrimages, images, relics; and even ordered the incumbents in the parishes to set apart a considerable portion of their revenue for repairs and for the support of exhibitioners and the poor of their parish.